Wednesday, January 26, 2011

more mermaidens

A little update on the mermaidens. I got a little carried away with the felt I purchased and realised I had enough to make 25. Yes, that's twenty-five. I know. So the production line is taking a slightly longer than I originally allowed for.
It has actually worked out rather well, as I was planning on making a bunch of these to give out at Grace's 7th birthday party as well (not until April- its an 'under the sea party' she tells me). So we will send off 10 of these lovelies to Hope Softies just as soon as they are finished, and keep the rest of these for the party. It feels so good to be forward planning for once.

Here is the first Mermaiden I made for Maeve's 4th birthday. It has taken a while for her to bond with this pretty, apparently I got all the colours wrong. She wasn't pink enough. Typical. She has her eye on the Mermaidens in progress, and thinks we should send her mermaid to the flood children and keep one of the felt ones. Hmmn...
The pattern for these can be found in this amazing book.

In other mermaid news, Maeve was given the Playmobil Mermaid set for Christmas, and both girls think it is just magical. It gets played with every single day. Well worth every cent. Does any one else have little girls with mermaid love?


cherri said...

Thwy are gorgeous - how good are you making 25 of them!

I must check out that book - just gorgeous!

Paxton said...

M sister and I were in LOVE with Disney's The Little Mermaid when we were little! But my daughter is big on ballerinas! ha!
LOVE your fabric choices and colors! I am always in awe when I stop by to read your blog! LOVE IT! Thanks for all the inspiration and all of the gorgeous pictures!

Karen said...

Oh yes - my girls are mermaid (and fairy and princess) mad too! Must check out that Playmobil set.
Coincidentally I printed this patternout today to make for the Hope Softies, and my girls are eyeing it off already!

house full of jays said...

I adore these mermaids!! I have Wee Wonderfuls out of the library right now and I am terrified to try anything...but it is all beautiful!
Our middle daughter has serious mermaid love, too! She got that Playmoil set for Christmas as well!