So we couldn't just send one girl off to church with a new dress...could we? Especially when this beautiful piece of denim cries out every time I enter the sewing (junk) room 'sew me! sew me!'. So I stayed up a little too late last night and made this one for Maeve. Her response this morning when she saw it hanging on the door was 'Ooohh, that's so tuuute (cute)!' Totally worth it, this girl melts my heart.
Pattern is another Ottobre 1/08. I figure if you spend all the money on the subscription, you may as well get your moneys worth by sewing as many patterns as you can trace. This is the 'Deer dress' which I have made before here. I just lengthened it by a fair chunk, and added pockets...because what two year old doesn't love pockets. I find Ottobre's patterns run really wide, so I often end up altering them for my girls. This is still the same size as the one I made back in September, just a lot longer.