Things have been a little slow around here lately. The internet had painfully switched back to dial-up, thankfully its now back to normal. Dial-up is torture.
This is a bag I made a couple of weeks back. It was a present for my sister-in-law. I haven't really been into bag making, but this was really fun to put together.

I made up my own pattern which was very basic, and lined it. I really need too learn how to do the lining properly, I think my method was rather unconventional...but at least it worked. If I was making this for myself I think I would slightly enlarge the pattern and add a button/clip for closure.

And a close up of the covered buttons. The red fabric is some from my vintage surprise pack- very nice! The blue flower is from the lining fabric, and the other pattern is from a much loved vintage apron.

And what good is a present without a beautiful card to match? This one is thanks to my budding little artist who is swamping me with the cutest drawings as of late. The birthday girl is in red and she is holding a bunch of balloons. I am sure this will make her day!

Next on my bag list is a little girls hand bag for Grace. The current one has just had the handles re-stitched...thanks to one little sister who loves to grab and snatch. Her one specification is that it must have a zip, apparently snaps just aren't good enough fo keeping little sisters away from your special things. So the verdict on bag making...I loved it! There are many more patterns floating around in my head, some on paper and some yet to get there. Hopefully I will have more to show you very soon.